Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Film review of Lions for Lambs Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film of Lions for Lambs - Movie Review ExampleThe movie, Lions for Lambs, starring Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep is a movie based on the deployment of the Army of United States in Afghanistan. The movie, apart from other things, talks to the highest degree the strategy of state of war. The movie, most importantly, is a reflection on Ethics and Morality. This can be seen in some(prenominal) parts of the movie, in the form of situations, dialogues and characterization.Republican Senator Cruise calls in for journalist Streep, to cover his new war strategy on deploying the Army in Afghanistan, to keep the United States above Muslim upsurges. However, Meryl Streep, who has covered the Vietnamese war, is quite apprehensive about the information put forth by the Senator and refuses to cover the war announcement. This is mavin of the junctures, where a decision is made on the basis of ethics. The journalist certainly listens to the voice of her conscience and is point by moral code, rathe r than the mere sensationalism of war.Two students from a California University decide to encrypt themselves in the Army to fight the war for their country. This is because of their sheer responsibilities as citizens.

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