Monday, April 15, 2019

Good Morning, Life! Essay Example for Free

Good Morning, Life EssayGood Morning, overtop Dove, is a novel narrating the baloney of an elementary school teacher, who later in her life will suffer from an illness that would require her to bear up under a life-threatening surgery. This bestseller was written by Frances Gray Patton. Life during the time of Miss Dove, was far much simple and serene. She has ruled the classroom for decades enforcing strict rules. Such rules reflect her humor-less, no-nonsense and stern personality. After all, she was more popularly known as the terrible Miss Dove. She epitomizes gentility and wisdom.She leads by example. Reflecting a dramatic outcome in life, the children she once mentored are now in turn at her service as her doctors and nurses. Events sour nostalgic as she began to see her students again, this time as adults concerned about the health of their second mother. Her students were taught to reside abiding by strict rules. She instilled in them that lifes everyday challen ges can be approached just by victimization ones common sense. These are practical rules. When practiced, it would certainly make our lives easier and more worth it. Life is complex in itself.Let us not add to its complexities by making our lives harder than it really is. Life is a instruction ground. It is a huge classroom of endless learning. And we must all aim to graduate life with honors. Miss Dove is like any other parent proud of the fruits of her labor. She cared enough to trace the path she wanted her students to take. When payback day begins to dawn, the wind beneath our wings deserves credit. Echoing the voices of all the other pupils of Liberty Hill, permit us thank this lady for teaching us lifes valuable lessons, in the manner that seemed like a live movie happening right before our eyes.

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